
suburban versus ghetto

In chapter three, youll read about the comparison between people from ghetto peopel versus suburban people and he talks about how people who are from suburban if you put them in a classs together you ll see that theres a big difference between the two expecially in behavior. He laters goes on to say that ghetto kids are easily fustrated hot tempered and more angrier. where suburban people seem to be able to talk there way out of things and not so hosilte and more sensitive, speaking from expirence moving from camden out to the suburbs, suburban people were shocked at my actions, they aint ever seen someone snap back, be louder than the normal, the tipical behaviors that were normal in camden i had to drop and adjust and that probably was a big adjust menti made was realising that these poeple didnt constantly walk on eggshells i can free speak your ind you dont have to be afraid what parts of the neighborhood you need to stay away from so you dont get shot mugged, but finally if you wanted to you could walk barefoot to the pool and not have to worry bout stepping over needles or accidently walking into the worng area

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