

were am i suppose to meet for orientation?

Maybe they should teach welding with a fine arts degree

I thought this part of Stranger than Fiction was interesting. The mythical rule that fine arts degree is code for flipping hamburgers has steered many away from any artistic degree. Here Chuck is, with a degree in journalism, he is working in a truck assembly line. 5 dollars an hour after years of work in college.
But I think that is why we must take risks. If you are doing exactly what the other actors, fashion designers, and photographers are doing then no one will notice you. We must be the rainbow in this black and white world.
I think he didn't leave the truck assembly line until his book Fight Club became a movie. So in that, if it's your desire, then be willing to step far outside the box and work your absolute hardest.
Yes, I did finish the book, when I closed it was the first time the cover of the book actually made sense. It wasn't just a picture anymore, it had meaning.