
for bry

im majoring in broadcasting. What's your major again?

krush 2

So, how was the Krush park you two?

struggling weekend and paper

this weekend was crazy. i tried to do my paper thursday night because i wanted to go out with my boyfriend this weekend. while i was doing paper i ran out of thoughts to put in paper so i only did 3 in half pages. so attempted to finish on friday at my boyfriends house but i kept getting distracted. on saturday i started to finish, but i had to go to a friend trunk party and i got really sick. i had sea food and i can't really eat sea food. on sunday i went to church and did a little more. but when got out of church my boyfriend wanted to spend a little more time with me. but i was still a little sick so i really didn't finish my paper but i tried.

loop shoot

I have found it hard to get out and explore the city. does anyone have any suggestions. I want to get a better perspective on the city. I'm tired of sitting in the loop looking at the same buildings everyday.


if i said something that was a lil on the critized side about your paper its not becuase i didnt like you or becuase i thought your paper sucked it was becuase i wanted to help you the best way i can.. i seen some people being bitter i just wanted so DONT BE


the weekend and the paper

Im not very proud of my paper, but thats why i guess this is a rough draft. It needs work.


The weekend on the other hand was nice. I spent most of the time trying to get all my classes straight for the junior college im going to.
I wanted to make sure that they all transfer to columbia for next year. I wish i could just go here this year but, money.

-here are some pictures of the junior college im going to..


Pictures From Bridge

just a few pictures from our trips and from my own exploration.