
this is art

i am calling this blog post art because i want it to be considered as art and if you are sceptical of it being art it easily falls under the category of liturature i dont think it needs a category to be art but if that helps you beleive it is art then it is liturature if you havent noticed im not using any punctuation or capitilization as an art statement this is the greatest peice of art on the planet
if there was a picture of art next to its definition in the dictionary this statement would be
the picture and the new definition at the same time the form of this post is begining to
go in a diagnal dereasing more in words each line i think its pretty cool but as another artistic statement i broke it up but you arent going to even see the diagnal motion of this post anyways because the box i am typing in and the box you will veiw it in are different boxes