
1 There is art in that grilled cheese

What makes art, well... art? What makes someone an artist? Is it expressing themself or is it to be talented in the area?

Well this is my sister, she lives in NJ. She's actually a bank teller and goes to an art school. This is a painting she did for a banquet to look like a city layout for a talk show. It's on 4 very large pieces of canvas.
Wordless Gospel: So this is a picture that she did in just ink dots. Pen and paper, ink just dotting the paper to come up with this.

Hondoran Inspiratation: Another picture of the exact same thing.
Korean Celebrity-linolium and acrylic on CONSTRUCTION PAPER is what it is.
Life: acrylic
Now to the food, she's alway a culinary artist
This is a subzero souffle
Mmm, some pumpkin pancakes... don't knock it till you try it

So this is a new invention. How many do you see put nuts in that chocolate. There's others but eh, I'm too lazy to post everything


Anonymous said...

would love to try it...i love sweet stuff

Michelle roberts said...

she's a good artist! i like the second picture.

dan lewis said...

i would love to eat that art