
our america

Is it me or does Lealan sound like a grown man in a 13 yr old body???? becuase he just seems more mature for his age, maybe its the street life that cuases you to grow up faster??


Tiara McAfee-Owens said...

I truly agree with everything you are saying!!!! When children are forced to live in an environment where there is nothing but drugs, violence, gangs etc. They are also forced to act like adults because growing up in an environment like that as a young child you have do things for yourself on your own and there really isn't someone to warn you or to help you nor guide you!!! It's all up to you and what you make out of it!!!

Anonymous said...

i total i agree, i feel like im talking to agrown man that is going back in time


Yea kids grow up fast wen the live in environments like that. that book give the reader get details of whats really happan

Michelle roberts said...

yeah he is.. a couple chapters into the book I think chapter 4.. he says that a lot of people tell him he is mature for his age.