
New Mexico and the Ruins of Tsankawi.

About two years ago my father and i travelled to New Mexico to visit an uncle in Taos just outside Albuquerque. During our trip we travelled down the highway to the indian ruins of tsankawi. anciet peoples of the New Mexican plain carved massive homes into the sides of mesas and plateau's. This may sound like a not so amazing feat, but its how they did this. the indian's used light pressure with rough rocks over a long period of time, rubbing at the stone not chiseling. they would start build domicile's for generations of children that they would not necessarily see in there lifetime. they carved images in the rocks that were spiritual and had a deep meaning and to desecrate these carvings is believed by the local tribes to be a cardinal sin. the most amazing thing was this narrow foot path that had been worn into the rock. just imagine a stair way 7 inches wide and a foot and half deep. as i said before they didnt do such things with chisel and hammer. they used pressure and time to make these strutures and path's. it was truly amazing and gave me a feeling of connection to a civilization that existed 100's of years ago.

1 comment:

jeff terrian said...

thats pretty amazing. Was it one of those high in the platues? But it really shows dedication and patience. Something we could learn from.
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